
Location : 33 Peachtree Pl NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, Estados Unidos

AltaToro is a modern latin restaurant located in the heart of Midtown Atlanta, where every meal transcends into a journey through the flavors of Latin America. Our award-winning restaurant artfully combines influences from Peru, Argentina, Mexico, and Spain, sourcing the finest local ingredients to craft a menu that pays homage to these vibrant culinary traditions. Prepare to be dazzled by our menus, a symphony of Latin delights ranging from beloved classics to inventive fusions. As you dine, be captivated by nightly fire shows that heighten the dining experience, infusing the air with excitement and energy. Come Fridays and Saturdays, the atmosphere pulses with live DJ sets, adding a rhythmic dimension to your evening. ..

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33 Peachtree Pl NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, Estados Unidos


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